Ecological Transition
Aeolian Islands Preservation Foundation initiatives
SEF was born out of the Aeolian Islands Preservation Foundation (AIPF), which supported around 40 projects over 5 years.
Since its set up, in 2015, over €1 million has been raised (with over €500,000 directly from AIPF donors) through initiatives and partners, invested to preserve, sustain and restore the Aeolian natural environment. Furthermore, the awareness raising and educational impact of the AIPF have proved to be invaluable to the local community, laying strong foundations for a sustainable future. Now we seek to widen the geographic remit and ultimate potential for environmental impact to the entire Sicilian region.
Projects supported in the Aeolian Islands are divided into the five main Areas of Interest.
Marine Protection
- Collaboration with Blue Marine Foundation: Sustainable fishing, restore fish stocks, reduce pollution and protect rare marine habitats and species through: Development and implementation of a voluntary fishing ‘code of conduct’; Fishermen exchange programmes and helping guide effective management measures and providing tangible infrastructure for fishermen; A campaign to make Salina free from plastic shopping bags; biology courses and a guide to Aeolian archipelago’s sea by Kurma Association; Research, information campaigns and summer school focused on the importance of protecting the Posidonia Oceanica with Anton Dohrn Zoological Station;A RIB power boat with the purpose of supporting and encouraging scientific activities and to raise awareness; Initiating the Marine Protected Area programs for the Aeolian Islands and facilitating the creation of the Salina MPA committee.
Video the Aeolian sea
Video Memoirs of Aeolian fishermen - Collaboration with Healthy Seas: Diving missions to recover and recycle ghost nets
Video Healthy Seas 2018
Video World Oceans day 2019
Video World Oceans day 2019 – 2
Video Healthy Seas education program - Collaboration with Oceana: A research expedition in the deep sea habitats of the Aeolian Islands, to address the lack of data and contribute to the protection of the area.
- Collaboration with Mission Blue: The Aeolian Islands became a Mission Blue hope spot
- Filicudi Wildlife Conservation: Renovation of a rescue and rehabilitation center for endangered loggerhead turtles in Filicudi; education programs for local children to improve the recovery and rescue of injured or threatened sea turtles, and supporting volunteers in turtle nests monitoring
Video TartaNet Eolie - Sea Shepherd: 4 missions to tackle illegal fishing
Video Operation Siso - Marevivo: Dolphin Guardians educational project
- Festa di Teatro Ecologico: Workshop “The sea of time” with a focus on sea pollution.
- Magazzino di Mutuo Soccorso: Lipari beaches clean up with kayaks
Landscape Protection
- DottEolie, CNR ISAC and Nesos: Dry stone walling courses in Lipari and Panarea and recovery of the historic paths of Alicudi
- FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano): Clearing of the ancient pathways and beaches in Panarea
Sustainable Agriculture
- Slow Food: Edible Gardens project in schools and Coloring in sweetness project with lessons with an Honey producer of “Black Sicilian Bees”
- Attiva Stromboli: A social olive oil mill in the frame of the Èolio project to produce local olive oil
Waste Management
- Marevivo: EmergenSea educational campaign providing eco-compactors for plastic bottles and Plastic free schools through the introduction of water purifiers and reusable water bottles
- Oceanic Global and Marevivo: providing plastic-free solutions to the hospitality and tourism sector on the islands of Lipari and Panarea by implementing Oceanic Global’s industry solutions program, the Blue Standard
Renewable Energies
- Greening the Islands: Observatory in Lipari with a membership for a decarbonisation plan of the island based on a circular economy approach