Terrestrial Conservation

Over time, Sicily’s natural landscape has been profoundly altered by anthropic activities. Land use is dominated by agriculture, about 63% of the territory; while 31% is characterised by semi-natural and natural vegetation, including broadleaved and coniferous forests, maquis and garrigue communities, as well as grasslands and rock outcrops. About 5% is occupied by human settlements. The SEF funds terrestrial conservation initiatives including – but not restricted to – the following pressing issues: 

– Implementing restoration, rewilding and species reintroduction to tackle biodiversity loss, reduce habitat fragmentation on private or public areas.

– Improving connectivity of the protected areas network even in urbanised areas.

– Promoting actions for fire prevention, suppression and management.

– Monitoring species and habitats to fill data gaps.

The SEF particularly welcomes projects engaging with communities and stakeholder groups (e.g. farmers, schools, tourists, private landowners). 


Goal 13: Climate Action - United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land - United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals - United Nations Sustainable Development


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